News & Exhibitions
J'habite un long silence - Solo Exhibition / Musée Archéologique Henri Prades X MO.CO (Montpellier - France)
> October 7th 2021 - March 7th 2022
Raphaël Barontini pose son regard singulier sur les objets de l’antique Lattara. Tapisseries mécaniques, pièces textiles de grands formats, œuvres portables en cuir, peintures seront déployées dans l’espace du Musée. Usant des techniques de la peinture traditionnelle, de la sérigraphie, de l’impression numérique et de la photographie, il crée des « collages digitaux » destinés à reconfigurer et déhiérarchiser l’histoire du monde. L’artiste confère à ses œuvres des influences diverses, tant par son rapport à l’histoire de l’art, aux poèmes d’Aimé Césaire que par le lien qu’il tisse avec les écrits d’Édouard Glissant et sa notion de créolisation.
Dans son travail aux références multiples, les époques se confondent, se mélangent et s’additionnent à travers une superposition temporelle et plastique.
Crédit Photo : Marc Domage ©
J'ai Deux Amours... - Group Exhibition / Mariane Ibrahim Gallery (Paris - France)
> September 18th - October 13th 2021
Mariane Ibrahim presents J'ai Deux Amours..., the inaugural exhibition of the gallery’s new space in Paris on Avenue Matignon. On view from September 18 to October 13, 2021, the show marks the gallery's newfound physical duality with its presence in Chicago and in Paris and presents never before seen works by gallery- represented artists.
J'ai Deux Amours... is an anthem for love and connectivity, emphasizing diverse cultural backgrounds as being sacred, especially amidst the rise of cultural resistance and the effect of the recent health crisis. The impetus of the show “not only speaks to the multiplicity of culture and nationality, but the temporality of identities and the meanings they drag along,” reflects Shannon T. Lewis.
Crédit Photo : Fabrice Gousset ©
Soukhos - Solo Exhibition / Studio des Acacias (Paris - France)
> July 7th - July 28th 2021
Selected by LVMH in 2020, Barontini was featured as an artist residence in the heart of the Heng Long tannery in Singapore. The principle of the residency is to use the raw materials of a leading manufacturer in its field as the sources of a major artistic project.
All of the works produced as well as several representative pieces of the artist's work will be presented at the Studio des Acacias by Mazarine, in partnership with Reiffers Art Initiatives. This endowment fund for young contemporary creation and cultural diversity aims to finance, exhibit and give visibility to the emerging figures of contemporary art of tomorrow.
The exhibition is curated by Léa Chauvel-Lévy & supported by Mariane Ibrahim Gallery.
Crédit Photo : Nicolas Brasseur ©